This year, MDF supported the ASEAN Foundation in partnership with the Maybank Foundation in conducting capacity building for the participants of the Empowering Youths Across ASEAN (EYAA) initiative. Since 2018, the program has empowered 175 youths, collaborated with 20 Civil Society Organizations and Social Enterprises, and directly impacted 38,933 community members across ASEAN. The program provides an experiential and educative learning platform for youth through social volunteerism. The participants collaborate with people from diverse backgrounds to implement their ideas and advocate solutions to grounded issues in local communities across ASEAN.

Prior to the program orientation and onsite project implementation, the ASEAN Foundation provided a virtual capacity-building workshop to enhance the skills and knowledge of the youths and partners in project management and sustainable development. MDF Asia was engaged to deliver the virtual workshop which was held over the period of three weeks consisting of five input sessions and one coaching session. 10 CSOs and Social Enterprises and 120 Youth Volunteers across 10 ASEAN member countries participated in the training. For 3 weeks, MDF conducted a training to enhance the knowledge and skills of the participants in areas related to project design (results-based management) and proposal development, as well as provided a coaching session for each team to guide the development of the project design and proposal.

MDF is glad to be part of this collaboration that aligns with the vision to Empowering People, Creating Impact! Through this program, MDF can support the involvement of the youth, not only by developing high quality projects but also equipping the teams with skills to continue making a difference.